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Friday 28 March 2014

Chicken Macaroni soup

Sorry for taking such a long break from blogging.  My helper Michelle went on home leave and I did not engage a part time helper.  At times like this, I always prepare one dish meals.  Chicken macaroni is everyone's favourite, its cheap and good and if you are a fast cook like me, all you need is half an hour. I hope my young friends will give this a try.  Recently I have been receiving messages from them asking for more tips on cooking.  I am so happy to know that the young ones are cooking.  Bravo girls!
3 chicken thighs
300 gms macaroni boiled till soft
200 gms minced pork seasoned with salt, sugar, pepper, cornflour and very little water
3 pcs fried fish cake, sliced
1 carton swanson chicken broth
300 gms ikan bilis washed clean (anchovies)
salt to taste
minced garlic
fried shallots
1 litre water
Heat oil and fry minced garlic and ikan bilis for about 5 mins
Transfer to a pot of boiling water (1 litre)
Simmer for about 15 mins
When time is up, discard  ikan bilis, add the swanson chicken broth and bring to a boil
Add  chicken thighs, boil for 6 minutes and leave in pot covered for 20 minutes
When time's up, remove chicken and rub with sesame oil, debone when its cooled
Add seasoning to soup and bring to a boil
Cook minced pork in a small boil with some soup. Break up the pork with a fork
Drain and return the soup from cooking the pork back to pot
Bring soup to a boil
Assemble macaroni in a bowl, place fish cake and minced pork on top
Ladle soup into bowl and then top it with the chicken
Lastly garnish with fried shallots