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Thursday 12 December 2013

My Maiden Post

Who am I?

I am a semi retired businesswoman who loves to cook, eat and travel. I am married and have 3 daughters and two grandchildren.

Why the blog?

I want to leave a legacy of my cooking to my family as well as to all the young people in the world who find cooking daunting. This is the reason why most of my recipes are so simple. This blog is dedicated to my lovely daughters, Tina, Jan, Sandy and my darling granddaughter Dawn.Hopefully my lovable grandson Daniel will aso learn to cook for his future wife  I hope that after I am long gone, they will remember me through my recipes.

I notice that nowadays many young working adults eat out and do not cook at all. I want you to know that cooking is not necessarily troublesome. You can prepare fuss free meals in a jiffy. Perhaps many of you do not get help from your mums as even your mums don't cook. So this is my mission. To encourage and help young people discover the joys of cooking delicious home cooked food.

Some of you have families, boyfriends, girlfriends, cooking for them show your love and that you make the effort for them. Trust me when I say that the rewards you get is priceless. I plan to share my secret recipes with you, so keep coming back.

I am going to share some of my simple recipes with you.

Happy cooking!


auntiedollylovesfood said...
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Dawn Yeo said...

Even though I'm supposed to carry on the legacy of cooking, I'm not good at cooking!

Dolly said...

My Dear Dawnee

Precisely the reason why Nana is writing this blog. Never mind, you are still very young. In time to come, you will want to learn cooking.