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Monday 12 March 2018

Kong Bak Pau

The secret to a good kong bak is the dark soya sauce.  It should be very dark and thick.  I use the sauce from our homegrown Kwong Woh Hing.  It is more expensive than the usual brands but worth it.


2 kg indonesian pork belly
200gms gula malacca
1 tablespoon five spice powder
1 tsp salt
1/2 bottle of KWH dark soya sauce
1 pkt of stewing spices (contains cinnamon bark, cloves and aniseed)
10 pcs garlic with skin


Blanch pork belly in boiling water for 5 mins
Wash under tap and wipe dry
Cut into 1/4 inch thickness
Marinate with five spice powder, salt and a little dark sauce
for about 20 mins
Heat pan and 1tbsp cooking oil
Pan fry pork slices on high heat on both sides. (this is to extract the oil from the pork fat)
Boil half a pot of water in stew pot, add in gula malacca, 1/4 bottle of dark soya sauce, garlic, spice packet and then the pork belly
Cook on medium fire till meat is tender. Test with a fork.
Remember to stir the bottom of pot to prevent sticking.
If liquid is reduced, add more water
Add a bit of salt if required.

I prefer to buy the buns from supermarkets as they keep them in the chillers.  The ones from wet market are not fresh

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