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Friday 6 June 2014

Achar (nonya salad)

Just came back from Europe and craving for local food. Here's my achar recipe, its sweet and sour, a great appetiser. It  goes well with chicken rice, nasi lemak, fried bee hoon, fried rice and lots of other local food. The degree of sweetness and sourness is up to your own liking. How much of each ingredient you use is also up to you.
Cucumbers with skin on
Cabbage plucked into pieces
Lots of grounded peanuts
Lots of toasted white sesame seeds
Rempah (look for recipe in earlier post)
White vinegar
sugar and salt
Cooking oil
Cut the cucumber, carrot and pineapple into thick strips (see picture)
Dry cucumber and carrots in the sun for 2 to 3 hours. This is to make it crunchy.
Heat oil and fry rempah till fragrant
Add vinegar, sugar and salt. Adjust according to your taste
Fry till well blended, then turn off fire
Put in all the vegetables, mix well
Lastly add peanuts and sesame seeds
Cool and store in glass containers
Place in refrigerator for future use

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